From the Heart

From the Heart

4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Room 6

“From the Heart” was created four years ago by Frankie Lawson and Lori Osborn as a way to get members of the community who loved to crochet, knit, or loom together once a week to create yarn items for the community and fellowship with one another.

The most recent accomplishment was participating in the Operation Gratitude “Remember Everyone Deployed” (RED) Hat/Scarf Challenge where our group placed second in the country for the number of hats and scarves that we made and donated to Operation Gratitude to send to our troops that are deployed.

Our current challenge is making 550 hats and scarves for Crosswell Elementary. We give to every child registered at the school regardless of need. We have done this project for the last three years, donating to Ambler Elementary, Liberty Primary School, and Dacusville Elementary.

We make blankets for babies to teens to donate to the Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas, lap blankets for Meals on Wheels recipients, as well as donating to various nursing care facilities in the Pickens County area.

If you love to yarn, but you have nowhere to donate your hand-crafted items, please consider donating them to “From the Heart” to be given to one of the groups listed above.

From the Heart meets every Tuesday from 4:30 to 6:30 in Room 6 of the Dacusville Community and we invite everyone who knows this craft or wants to learn to join us. We would love to have you. Feel free to contact Lori Osborn at 561-542-0836 or Frankie Lawson at 864-395-5044 if you have any questions regarding our group and check our Facebook page.